Sunday, February 14, 2016


Leo said wanted to hang out, but we both knew that wasn't it. We sat close to one another and watched a movie on his phone, when the TV wasn't working.
A simple stretch and his arm was around me. The other hand fiddled with my fingers as we leaned closer together. There was thumping, and we distanced ourselves. As soon as my family member had left, we went back.
Credits roll and we don't move. Blank screen.
“What now?” I ask.
“We could cuddle…. but I guess we were already doing that.”
I smile and put my head on Leo’s chest.
“Can you hear my heart? I bet it's beating pretty fast.”
“Mine probably is, too.”
We sit there for a moment and his arm goes around me more. I feel his fingers on my chin. Them feeling my lips. I look up and we sink into each other.
I smile as our lips part.
“I wish time could just stop.” He tells me.
“Me, too,”
The clock seemed to have changed quickly when Leo’s phone buzzes. “Come home please.”
We barely move. We don't want to part. We want to stay with each other. We cuddle, we kiss, and before we finally say goodbye he whispers, “Happy Valentines Day.”


  1. i like your writing, it's pretty good stuff

  2. you're a good writer. this painted a nice picture

    1. Thanks! I have this other post,, it's another romantic story.
