Wednesday, November 18, 2015

One Kind of Different

We’re all fighting. Arguing over who is better at this or that. Minorities are portrayed as majorities. Everyone claims to be crazier than everyone else. Being called, “normal,” is an insult. The internet is the new tool to put others down. Our reality is stuck in virtual reality.

“If life is a game, aren’t we all on the same team?”

        Kid President

We want to be either extremely different than everyone else or reach the unattainable high expectations of the media. You are different, but you are still a part of a working society. You are human.

Being human is having life. Breathe in the expectations of the world, but breathe out what you really are. Who are you?

You are unique.

You are creative.

You are funny.

Optimistic. Emotional. Resilient.


A human is kind.

Humanity is kind. Humanity is that feeling inside you when you see someone in need and want to help. It’s not yelling that person in your first period class that will never shut up. It is seeing someone else’s perspective and realizing that everyone has lives of their own.

While we argue about who has a bigger flame of madness, let’s stay sane enough that we can keep a hold of our humanity. Start a new spark. A spark of unity and a spark of connection.

    Different in what we know, but one in what we want.

    And we want something new.

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