Tuesday, November 17, 2015

This is Me

I am Bethany Yaleen Lee. I love writing stories and want to be able to write better poetry. If I could pick one word to describe how I want the world to see me, I would pick inspire. I want to inspire others and I want to be inspired. That probably comes with a little fleck of crazy.

I am enthusiastic and look optimistic, even when I feel anything but. I love my friends, but they are so hard to keep track of... wait a moment... I have your name.... Ryan? No? It was a good try.

I ramble a lot in writing and in speaking. I try to write intellegently, but in a way people can relate to. How I balance the two depends on my intentions.

Let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about you! Oh, wait. Right. I'll just read the other blogs.

My mind is an endless strand of thoughts. Interupted time after time, sometimes without me noticing.

I guess I should thank you for reading....

Thanks. Love you already.

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